We go through seasons of drought that can cause us to feel stressed, burnt-out, frustrated, and alone. It is during those times that we must seek our Savior to refresh our soul. The 5 tips I’m sharing with you have worked wonders for me, and I hope they do the same for you.

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1. Spend time alone with God

When we need to be refreshed, we must go to the source. God gives us living water that guarantees we will never thirst again. Being in His presence can satisfy us in a way that nothing on this earth has the power to do.

Starting your mornings with God is a great practice to make sure you’re getting your one on one time with him.

I’m making it a point to wake up and grab my devotional next to my bed before I pick up my phone. Anyone else get sucked into checking your phone (social media) first thing in the morning? Yea, me too.

One thing is for sure, when I start my day with the word and prayer, it goes a lot better.

Another great way to refresh your soul is attending a retreat through church, or just creating one of your own.

Book a cabin, invite a few friends in need of refreshing, and plan an itinerary for the weekend. I’ve done this, and we had a great time! Some very deep conversations, revelations, and of course one on one time in nature with God.

Not a planner? No worries. This is all about you taking charge of your life again and becoming the woman you were called to be.

With that being said, just find a place to get alone with God and pour yourself out before Him. Every concern, every issue, every insecurity…leave them at His feet.

You can’t begin to live your best life until you’re able to see yourself as He does. Capable, beautiful, loved, forgiven.

Woman reflecting. Refresh Your soul
“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul after you, O God.” Psalm 42:1

2. Start a Prayer Journal

Starting a prayer journal is one of the best decisions I made during my transformation in college. I started writing down my prayer requests, no matter how great or small, and recording updates when those prayers were answered.

It’s amazing to see God working so tangibly when you keep a prayer journal. I kept track of dates too, so it was nice to see how long I stayed in certain seasons, or how quickly my prayers were answered.

One thing to keep in mind is that when God answers your prayers, it may not be the answer you want, but it will always be the one you need.

I have learned to be thankful for His no even more so than His yes, because He’s either protecting me from something I can’t foresee or positioning me for something even greater!

Writing my prayers also seemed to help me go deeper into the issues of my heart and soul. Some of the things I couldn’t put into words were so much easier to write down. (For those who say God doesn’t hear your prayers if you don’t pray out loud…I beg to differ)

I do believe it’s important to pray out loud, which is how I pray most of the time now. However, I can’t tell you how many of those silent or written prayers God answered before I had the confidence to verbalize my requests.

Whatever works best for you, schedule time alone with God and allow His presence to refresh your soul.

Woman Journaling to refresh her soul
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30

3. Find New Ways to Worship

Spring is upon us and it’s the perfect time to get outside and enjoy God’s creation. I feel closest to our creator when I’m in nature.

When is the last time you took a walk and actually observed the natural beauty that we often take for granted? It never gets old. At least, not for me.

Maybe you’re a silent worshiper, quietly and intimately giving God praise. When you’re alone try singing (out loud) or dancing in worship. It’s all beautiful in His sight…yes, even your voice.

You might be surprised how refreshing it feels to worship God in a new way.

I used to be reserved in my worship when I was in public because I felt like people might look at me funny, but once I stopped holding back in my private worship, there was no turning back.

I could elaborate more on this point, but I’ll just say… once you tap into that place beyond the veil that the bible talks about, nothing else matters. Do you girl!

Create a new place to pray/meditate. It could be a corner, closet, office, any room without distractions that you’re not used to praying in.

A change of scenery could be just what you need to usher in the holy spirit. I have a space in mind in our new place to create my very own “War Room”. (Stay tuned)

Worship to refresh your soul
But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. Psalm 59:16

4. Make Time to Rest

It’s hard to find time to simply rest…not sleep, but rest. No phone, no TV, no getting up to grab things for the little ones. Just time lying in your favorite spot relaxing with no worries for at least 15-20 minutes.

I like to spend this time in the tub. It is during these quiet moments that God will meet you there and whisper to your heart.

The noise of the world makes it hard for us to hear that still, small voice unless we are actively listening for it. Pressing through the demands of life, work and home to get a word from God is all the confirmation we need to refresh our soul.

I had to realize that even during my one on one time with God in the mornings, I was doing most of the talking.

As a mom of 3, I don’t usually have time to pray (talk to God) and meditate (listen for His voice) in the same session.

I’m usually lucky to get through my devotional and prayer before one of the girls wakes up and comes in my room.

As a result, I look for windows of opportunity to sneak away and relax in silence while daddy keeps them occupied.

Rest isn’t just about taking a break. It is recognizing the way God is working in your family, your marriage, and life in general.

We get so busy “doing life” that we miss simple pleasures and valuable lessons.

I’m guilty of having to constantly be doing something; picking up behind the girls, cleaning, cooking, scrolling through my phone.

Don’t let busyness keep you from being fully present. Sometimes it’s good for us to just rest in the moment as we observe and enjoy our families.

The dishes can wait, the phone can too…be still.

Woman relaxing to refresh her soul
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10

5. Choose Joy From your Soul

We get into seasons of life where we are burnt out, uninspired, or just plain tired. It makes it hard to find the joy that God promises the world can’t take away. It’s there in the depths of your soul, you just have to tap into it.

Living a life of joy requires us to make a choice every day to find the bright side of whatever situation comes our way.

This is so much easier when you have faith in God and His divine plan for your life. Even when you feel disappointment or anger, it won’t overtake you.

Negative emotions are fleeting because deep down you know that all you have to do is put it in the hands of the creator. He has promised and proven that there is absolutely nothing too hard for Him.

Every now and then we have to check ourselves to determine how the world is experiencing us.

Does your family look forward to you coming home, or do you bring the weight of the world through the door? Do your co-workers enjoy your presence, or are you taking your personal frustrations out on them?

I recently started giving extra effort to make sure my family is experiencing the joy that I feel in the depths of my soul. (Hello impromptu dance parties & super sweet texts)

No matter what we face on this earth, we must leave a legacy of love. After all my friends, this world is not our home. Choose joy.

Refresh Your Soul
“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:10




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Love Joy Blessings Signature











29 comments on “5 Inspiring Ways to Refresh Your Soul”

  1. Loved these tips! I need to spend more time alone with God for sure. I feel like we get so busy sometimes that It’s important to just stop and pray.

  2. This is a very inspiring post and I am grateful that you shared that with us. Spending time alone to connect with my God is so important to me.

  3. These are such great ideas. Basically, the message here is just taking some time for yourself. This is great self-care. Take care and talk/do things that make you feel better.

  4. I’m trying to take out more time to rest and reflect. It’s hard to be present in today’s world sometimes.

  5. This is such a great list. Thank you so much!! I needed these reminders. I always start my day with devotions and prayer time, but sometimes that’s as far as it goes. And my soul needs more than that.

  6. What a great encouragement. My husband and I needed this, it’s a great read. Saving this to share with my husband. Thank you for taking your time reminding all of us. God is great and I know everything is possible if we believe in him.

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